Pobóg coat of arms


Battle cry: Pobodze
Alternative names Pobodze, Pobog, Pobożaniec, Pobożanie, Pobożan, Pobożenie, Pobożeny
Earliest mention 1191
Towns none
Families 310 names altogether: Abakowski, Adamczewski, Adomczowski, Andrzejkiewicz, Barański, Barberius, Barczewski, Bazyliski, Benisławski, Bielicki, Bienięda, Bieńkiewicz, Błomiński, Boban, Boniuszewicz, Bromierski, Bromirski, Bronak, Bronakowski, Brumierski, Brzuchański, Budrecki, Budrewicz, Burniewicz, Burzymski, Burzyński, Bylicki, Caławański, Całowański, Ceber, Cebrowski, Centkowski, Certowicz, Cetkowski, Cętkowski, Chodaczyński, Chomicki, Chomiczewski, Chomiński, Chorwat, Chudzewski, Ciekliński, Ciepławski, Ciepłowski, Cięszkowski, Czapkiewicz, Czarnecki, Czenstkowski, Czerniowski, Czertowicz, Czetkowski, Częztkowski, Czyżewski, Czyżowski, Dadzibog, Dadzibogowski, Dadzibóg, Długołęcki, Dłużewski, Dmochowski, Dmowski, Dmuchowski, Dobieski, Domanikowski, Domaszewicz, Domiszewicz, Domiszewski, Downar, Dubowik, Dulębiański, Duszewski, Duszkiewicz, Duszyński, Dychowicz, Dymlina, Dziengełł, Elert, Elgot, Ertel, Esmanowicz, Eynik, Falewski, Faliszewski, Faliszowski, Federowicz, Fedorowicz, Filemonowicz, Filewski, Filimanowicz, Filipkowski, Filipowicz, Filipowski, Franckiewicz, Fryczyński, Gadziński, Garlikowski, Garliński, Gbelski, Gebelski, Giemza, Giezgiezłowca, Ginczewski, Ginkiewicz, Gintowski, Gintowski, Głuskowski, Głuszkowski, Goszczyński, Gotkowski, Górski, Grabowski, Grzybowski, Gumowski, Gwozdecki, Herman, Horwat, Horwatt, Jachimowicz, Jamentowicz, Jankiewicki, Januszewski, Januszkowski, Januszowski, Jastrzembowski, Jastrzębowski, Jawor, Jaworowski, Jemielity, Kalo, Kałdowski, Kielanowski, Kiernożycki, Kierzkowski, Kierznowski, Kilanowski, Kilijanowski, Kobylski, Konarzewski, Koniecpolski, Korkosz, Korkoz, Kosiarowski, Kossobudzki, Kotlewicz, Kożuszkowski, Krasnodębski, Krompolc, Krompole, Krotycz, Krusz, Krusza, Kruszeński, Kruszyński, Krzykowski, Kucicki, Kumin, Kursz, Kutlewski, Lakon, Laliński, Lenartowicz, Lewandowski, Lganowski, Liczkun, Lindyk, Lindzki, Lizkun, Lubnicki, Luboradzki, Łaniecki, Ławski, Łękawski, Mackiewicz, Malinowski, Mazurkiewicz, Miecznikowski, Miedzwiecki, Miedzwiedzki, Mikałowski, Moderowski, Muchowiecki, Musztaffa, Nawrocki, Niementowski, Nieprski, Nowowiejski, Okrzycki, Olganowski, Olszewski, Orecki, Orzecki, Orzęcki, Pagowski, Pakoszewski, Palinowski, Pągowski, Perdzyński, Petliński, Pętliński, Pierzchalski, Pierzynowski, Piróg, Pirok, Płomieński, Płomiński, Pobojewski, Pobożanin, Pocernacki, Podhayski, Pogierski, Pogirski, Polanowski, Połjanowski, Pomarzański, Popowski, Poziemecki, Pryszmony, Racewicz, Rachlewicz, Rackiewicz, Raczkiewicz, Raczyc, Radczyc, Radoński, Raksimowicz, Rało, Rechlewicz, Remiński, Rodkiewicz, Rodziewicz, Rokszycki, Rossowski, Rożyński, Ruchow, Rucicki, Rusicki, Ruszkowski, Rutkowski, Rychlewicz, Rydziewicz, Rymaszewski, Rymiński, Rymkiewicz, Rymkowicz, Rymtowt, Rzyszczewski, Sczucki, Skrzeczowski, Słotowski, Stachórski, Stanek, Staniszewski, Stanko, Stawiszewski, Strzeszewski, Studniarski, Suchodolski, Surgolewski, Sutkowski, Sutowski, Swobodecki, Szankowski, Szczawieński, Szcześnieski, Szcześniewski, Szczęsnowicz, Szczucki, Szeferowicz, Szukszta, Szydłowski, Szyjski, Świątkowski, Świętochowski, Tercikowski, Terczykowski, Tereykowski, Todtleben, Tołłoczko, Tołoczko, Tryczyński, Trzciński, Tuchowski, Ulaszowski, Urecki, Uszyński, Warmski, Wiekowicz, Wierzchowski, Wilkowski, Wodoradzki, Wójczyk, Wojdak, Wojcik, Woydag, Wulf, Zadarka, Zadarta, Zapolski, Zarzecki, Zarzycki, Zbierski, Zdzieszyński, Zengoński, Zengwirski, Zerański, Zgaździński, Zgażdziński, Zgleczyński, Zgliczyński, Ziołecki, Zygmuntowicz, Żabowski, Żerański, Żeromski

Pobóg - is a Polish coat of arms. It was used by several szlachta families in the times of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.



The chronicles of the region of Poland, though sometimes shrouded by the mists of time reveal the ancient origins of the Pobog Clan. Careful research by professional analysts using such references as „Herbarz Polski" by Kaspar Niesiecki, „Herbarz Polski" by Adam Boniecki, „Herby Rodów Polskich" and „Rycerstwo polskie wieków średnich" by prof. F. Piekosinski reveal that the Pobóg Clan early origins trace back to the forming of tribal clan of Families system, founded probably by Goths in 150 A.D.. System was associated with ancient Slavonic Family's Community's Structure and Sarmatian Family System. In the struggles for control over agricultural soil, the feudal clan system evolved as the best defense against hordes of invaders sweeping in from the east and west over the countries. According to legend strongly supported by prof. F. Piekosiński Pobog-Pobodze clan is a junioral branch of the Popielid dynasty, rulers of Poland in 7th-9th centuries, before the era of Bolescic-Piast dynasty (9th-14th c.) another junioral branch of the Popielid dynasty. The junioral branch of Popielids - Pobóg clan is a part of senioral branch of Popielid dynasty the clan of Ogończyk. This legend was popularized by prof. F. Piekosinski research in a matter of Polish clans history of. So all myth has contained some truth. In all probability the name of Pobóg was formed from the proclamation Pobodze, call „wishing" in old Polish Po Bodze (may God keep you in His care). In oldest judicial records it is found in that form precisely. Proclamation Pobóg appear in family in 16th century. Other historians claim that the name Pobóg derived from the name of this Bug River. In this statement Pobóg means: after Bug. They placed the Pobóg clan's ancient territory around the river Bug in North-East Malopolska (Lesser Poland). So, estates in Malopolska were just one portion of the clan territories.

The great families of the Pobog clan reached noble status for their services to prince, faith and community as warriors and scholars. They later become even more prominent as numerous branches of the same house acquired distant estates, some of which were located in other countries. From the 12th century onwards this ancient clan was identified with the great social and economic evolution which made this territory a landmark contributor to the development of the nation in the 14th century. Pobog clan participated in the victorious crusade against pagan Prussians and Yotvingians tribes in 1190 under the command of prince Casimir II the Just. One clan member became famous for personally taking pagan commander prisoner. In 1331 the Pobóg clan participated in a victorious battle at Płowce against Teutonic Order. In 1359,[1] at Ploniny (Plonini) against Moldavian army. In 1410 Pobóg clan participated under its own colours in the biggest and most famous battle in Europe at this time, at Grunwald (Tannenberg), where the Polish and Lithuanian armies were victorious against the Teutonic Order. The families' warriors were led by Jakub of Koniecpole, palatinus of Sieradz. In 1413 in Horodło (during the signing of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Union), Pobóg clan represented by Jakub of Koniecpol and Piotr of Popow had adopted Lithuanian boyar Rało.

Jan Długosz main Polish mediaeval historian (about 1460 A.D.), wrote of the Pobóg clan that they were „ad iracundiam proni" ("prone to anger"). According the work of Jan Długosz and some other documents Pobóg coat of arms had in the beginning of XV centure an other image.

With the Teutonic Order of Knights pushing from the north and Tartars from the east, the Clans fought to position themselves for best survival and trade by forming alliances with families in neighbouring countries.

Casimir IV Jagiellon became the Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1447 consolidating the two nations, and the clan built many castles during the next century against Turks, Tartars and Muscovites who became a peril.

The Pobóg clan of families continued to make important contributions to the life of Europe in the middle and later. From the 15th century onwards they held significant positions of prestige and power becoming involved in tribal struggles for supremacy, and branched into Pomorze (Pomerania), Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and also Moravia, Hungary and Moldovia. Notable from this time amongst the Clans of Poland was the ancient Pobóg clan of families.

Some famous ancestors of the Pobóg clan: Stefan was archbishop of Gniezno. At Stefan's, instigation the sejm was called in Gniezno at which it was decided to bring Kazimierz from the Cluniac monastery and put him on his father's throne, to which end they would not stint their work and efforts. He then went to Rome and asked pope Benedict IX to release Kazimierz from his monastic vows and profession; then in Cluny he labored to talk Kazimierz into assuming the throne of Poland. Kazimierz bowed to his pleas and persuasions, and Stefan accompanied him back to Poland and crowned him and his wife, kin to the Ruthenian princes; and he also placed the crown on Boleslaw the Bold after him. He brought a lawsuit against the Bohemians over the pillaging of Poland and especially of the Gniezno cathedral, but he gained little from this. Death overtook him during these efforts in 1059.

Paprocki in „Gniazdo cnoty" mentions Bolesta, cupbearer to king Kazimierz, in 1080. The same author writes on the basis of Czyrzyce monastery lists that Stefan, Kraków palatinus (duke), was flourishing in 1145. Paprocki, after Kromer, lists another Bolesta, castellan of Wizna, who held a certain part of the administration in Prussia in 1167, in the days of Bolesław IV the Curly. His son was supposedly the first starosta (count) of Płock. In the same place he read of Florjan, palatinus (duke) of Sandomierz died in 1243. Comes (count) Msciwoj sealed a document in Pobóg coat of arms in 1231 and 1235. His son was Mikolaj palatinus (duke) of Kraków. Other Pobóg's Adam was Kraków castellan in 1260. Paprocki also includes Jakob, Sieradz castellan, here; according to him, Jakób was the father of Piotr, bishop of Płock, who died in 1263. Bernard, also bishop of Płock was a member of Pobóg clan also. Wolmir, bishop of Kujawy, in „Lives of the Kujawy" by bishop Darnalewski states that he was a Pobóg; from pastor of Kruszwica to Kujawy canon, he was chosen by the chapter for the see in 1258; he was chancellor under the Mazovian princes Ziemowit and Kazimierz. He suffered many wrongs at the hands of Swietopelk, prince of Pomerania, and had many quarrels with Kazimierz, prince of Łęczyca and Kujawy, when he laid upon him the censure of the church; many estates went to the Kujawy church, both bought by him and bestowed by various lords. Having successfully established the border between his diocese and that of Chełmno, he died in 1271. Damalewski numbers Swietoslaw, bishop of Poznań, among the Pobogs. Bolesta, Mazovian general starosta (count), is on a letter of Mazovian prince Jan in 1387, as shown in Paprocki's „O herbach". (IMPW)


Azure, a horse-shoe argent with a cross formee of the same charged on the edge of its arch. Helmet with mantling azure, lined argent. Crowned. Crest: a demi greyhound rampant, collared and leashed, all proper.

Notable bearers

Notable bearers of this coat of arms include:

See also


  1. ^ Nowadays it is believed that Jan Długosz recorded the wrong year, and the battle took place in 1368.
  2. ^ Juliusz Karol Ostrowski. Księga herbowa rodów polskich. Warszawa: 1897-1906. Jan Długosz. Insignia seu Clenodia Regus et Regni Poloniae. Published by Z. Celichowski. Poznań: 1885.